
Il corso base su GE iFIX è stato disegnato per fornire una buona base di conoscenze per poter sviluppare applicazioni HMI / SCADA. Sono toccate le principali funzionalità di iFIX, dall’acquisizione dei dati, allo sviluppo dell’interfaccia grafica, dalla gestione degli allarmi, alla storicizzazione ed analisi dei dati.


Il corso è rivolto a tecnici di processo, automazione e strumentazione e a system integrator.
Di seguito alcuni requisiti:

  • Conoscenza di base dei sistemi operativi Microsoft
  • Conoscenza di base delle reti
  • Conoscenza di base di automazione industriale


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I corsi vengono organizzati presso la sede di ServiTecno e il programma segue una scaletta standard di argomenti ma è possibile personalizzarli in base alle richieste, anche svolgendoli presso la sede del Cliente.


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Ai sensi degli artt. 6 e 7 Reg. UE 679/2016, il sottoscritto dichiara:

Ricevi aggiornamenti sulle tecnologie proposte da ServiTecno e eventi realizzati da noi o a quali saremo presenti

Programma (4 giorni)


Session 1

  • Introduction to iFIX
    Study the basic features and architecture of iFIX
  • Architecture and Applications
    Explore the system architecture and key applications. Create a simple display and associated database blocks.
  • Communications
    Explain the different types of I/O Drivers and OPC Servers. Discuss the basics of I/O Driver configuration, and the IGS Driver. Learn to install I/O Drivers and OPC Servers
  • Alarms
    Create Alarm Areas and common formats. Enable Alarm Services. Understand Alarm Shelving.

Session 2

  • Process Database Thick Client Configuration
    Compare primary and secondary database tags. Describe used tag types. Discuss the Database Manager. Utilize Database Manager tools. Learn to configure Alarm Shelving Policies. Work with Analog Tags. Describe the Analog Alarm (AA) tag. Define Register tags.
  • Process Database Thin Client Configuration
    Describe Configuration Hub for Database Configuration. Understand Asset Model concepts. Describe the Digital Input (DI) tag and Digital Output (DO) tag. Explain the function of the Digital Alarm (DA) tag.
  • Pictures and Templates
    Use the Workspace to build iFIX HMI pictures. Use the Create Picture Wizard to develop picture templates. Configure Workspace User Preferences.
  • Introduction to Workspace
    Describe to the tools in the Workspace. Discuss graphic objects and properties. Build displays.

Session 3

  • Graphic Objects
    Define Objects and Properties. Use the Property Window. Add Datalinks to displays. Explore the Expression Builder. Discuss Tag Status and Quick Trends.
  • Data Entry and Control
    Describe Datalink Data Entry methods. Explore the Data Entry Expert. Use the Open, Close and Toggle Digital Point Experts. Use the Key Macro Editor.
  • Global Objects
    Define Global Objects. Use Global Variables and Global Procedures. Create Global Tables.
  • Animations
    Define Graphic Experts. Explore the Basic and Advanced Animation Dialog Boxes. Configure Animations and Global Threshold tables. Classify the four types of Animation Object.

Session 4

  • Introduction to the VBA
    Define VBA and identify where VBA is used in iFIX. Utilize the Visual Basic Editor. Use VBA scripting in iFIX.
  • Navigation
    Define concepts of Navigation. List tools for building iFIX HMI Navigation. Configure a picture Navigation system Global Tables. Use Global Procedures.
  • Monitoring Alarms
    Learn about Alarm severity and Alarm messages. Deploy the Alarm Summary Object. Use Alarm Counters.
  • Reusable Displays
    Create Reusable Displays. Understand Model Substitution. Discuss Tag Groups.

Session 5

  • Historical Collection
    Understand Historian iFIX Collection. Start the and configure the Historian iFIX Collector. Add iFIX tags to Historian, and monitor Collected data.
  • Historical Dsplay
    View Historical data with the Line Multiline Chart Object. Manipulate Display Time settings. Use Workspace as a Historical HMI.
  • Security
    Describe Layers of iFIX Security. Understand Basic iFIX Security. Secure Applications, Tags & Pictures. Understand the concepts of Proficy Authentication (UAA).
  • iFIX Thin Client Access
    Investigate Config Hub, Webspace and WebHMI. Discuss Remote Desktop.


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